Sunday, January 29, 2006


DAY 1- Heaven on Earth...

Wow, what a day! Arrived at camp, checked in the villa, and headed to the Port St. Lucie baseball fields. As we entered the locker room, we saw row after row of locker cubicles with our uniforms hanging neatly on the rod. Like a kid in a candy store we searched the aisles for our jerseys. Once located we found both home and Away uniforms with jerseys, pants, socks, belt, jacket, and a great duffle bag. Our last name adorned both the jerseys and the locker. A quick test fit of of the uniform and off to the field. Mets bullpen coach Guy Conti was hitting fly balls to us in the outfield, then John Stearns was pitching batting practice. After missing the first 3 pitches, I made a decent comeback, hitting the next 7. After my BP, I was entertained by a great story from Guy Conti, current Mets bullpen coach, as he was explaining to a group of us how Pedro Martinez drags the top of his foot as he pitches and how it has affected his toe over the years. Opening night dinner was a blast, we met all the former players who will be working with us. This is amazing!

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